A record of their trip, I found in a miniature Hebrew-German Siddur which they brought with them on their voyage. On the free-ends of the small volume, I found a unique personal prayer for their safety on their journey written by the Chazan of their town of Merzig, Chaim Gershon Schnerb.
The Jewish Community of Merzig was a small but old German Jewish
Community. The travelers, Mayer and his sister Miriam were from the
Hanau family, a prominent family of the town, whose family members we
find in the town for centuries. In his prayer, the Chazan C. G. Schnerb
beseeches God, in the merit of the Sacrifice of Isaac, the prophecy of
Samuel, Eliyahu and Elisha and the holiness of the tzadikim of all
generations. The prayer requests that God protect them from the
dangerous creatures of the sea, asks that the sea remain calm and that
the sailors and captain of the ship do their work diligently and without

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