Sunday, January 6, 2019

1 / 6,000,000: record of a horrific Holocaust tragedy

Though the atrocities of the Nazis is well known and thoroughly documented, the monstrosity of the tragedy often leaves us unable to comprehend the immense pain and suffering and endless ramifications of the war on the survivors. At times, encountering a specific incident, can leave us with a more relatable emotion that enables us to perhaps encapsulate the turmoil of emotions and guilt that was the share of the survivors.

Inserted between the pages of a book I cataloged this week, I discovered this telex document, apparently sent from Israel to the states in 1971, likely for distribution to news outlets. I was able to find no other record of this person or incident, this story being just one of endless horrific scenarios that the persecuted Jews encountered during the Holocaust.

The text reads: "A survivor of the Nazis donated a Torah Scroll to a synagogue Tuesday in memory of the 16 month old son he smothered 29 years ago, to save other fugitives from capture by the Germans.
Josef Kramer tearfully told a handful of relates and friends, that he and his son were huddled together with other members of the Jewish Community in Dublinow, Latvia, in an underground bunker, as German Soldiers searched for Jews.
As the German troops drew closer to the hideout, Kramer said, the baby broke out into uncontrollable sobbing. Fearful that the sobbing would give away the entire group, Kramer smothered his son with his hands to quiet him.
All members of the group subsequently joined Anti-German Partisan groups in East Europe. A large number reached Palestine to settle and attended the Torah Dedication ceremony."

1 comment:

  1. here is a link to the article in maariv
