Friday, October 18, 2013

The Ultimate Segulah: Learning from Sefer Kedushat Hashem of Rabbi Joseph Shapotshnick

There have been over the centuries a handful of books, which have gotten themselves Segulot associated with them, sometimes by the author's blessings and at times by outside recommendation. The sefarim of the Maharal Zunz of Plotzk is one example, who is Said to have stated "I will be an intermediary with the Almighty in the world to come for anyone who tries to bring to publication the books that I have compiled". The Siddur Shelah is another famous example, of which the Bach said of in his Haskamah “For there is no doubt that this will spread among Israel, whoever will pray in this Siddur will always be heard and his prayer never ignored”.

In 1918 a Sefer titled Kedushat Hashem by Rabbi Joseph Shapotshnick was published. This fascinating work, on the sanctity of the divine name, delivers the ultimate Segulah for anyone willing to believe. The author, who brought the book to the press himself, stated in bold letters on the title page
 "ובטוח אני כי כל מי שיקרא את הספר הזה מדי יום ביומו יתחזקו בו כל....ויזכה לאכול הפירות הטובות וברכת הצלחה בעולם הזה והקרן של אמונה וידיעה יזכה לעולם הבא להתענג על רב טוב"
The Author apparently really believed in his book and it's merits.

title page of Kedushat Hashem by Rabbi Joseph Shapotshnick

Blessing appears in center of title page

The Author, Rabbi Joseph Shapotshnick was one of the most colorful figures in recent Jewish History. Self-titled the Chief Rabbi of London, he got himself in to numerous troubles, with intense fighting taking place between him and the established rabbinate in London. A book about his fascinating life, has been in the works for nearly a decade now by Rabbi Pinni Dunner, titled "The Life and Controversies of Joseph Shapotshnick". Last I heard, it was scheduled to be published in 2015.

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